Contact us

Hi, we are excited to hear from you! Please give us a few pointers as to why you’re reaching out to us / what kind of support you’re looking for / what type of challenge you need help with. That info will help us find the most suitable guide for you.

Some examples of why people get in touch with us:

  • We need a short input about sales
  • We have a disagreement in our founder team and would like to have an external opinion
  • We need a branding specialist who knows how to work with startups
  • We have started a grant application and would like to know if there are some experts in our field that could help
  • We just hired 10 new employees and would like to find out about onboarding practices
  • We need an in-depth strategic workshop
  • I am a CEO and would like to connect to some other CEOs in my field (in Switzerland or internationally)

Thanks for supporting our mission