I am the Founder and CEO at Abionic. Abionic, an in vitro diagnostics (IVD) company, was founded in 2010 as a spin-off from the Swiss [...]
Pascal Brunner
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:29:28+00:00I am the founder and CEO of Vatorex. We help beekeepers to fight the Varroa mite, the biggest threat to honeybees nowadays, to ensure bees' [...]
Dorian Selz
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:29:22+00:00I am the Co-Founder & CEO at Squirro. Squirro is the leading Augmented Intelligence platform. It keeps business users in the know and helps them [...]
Remy Buser
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:30:07+00:00I am the CEO at Bloom Biorenewables Ltd. I'm also an experienced chemist & biochemist with a track record in the chemicals industry, the Swiss [...]
Daniela Marino
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:30:21+00:00I am the CEO, Co-Founder and a Member of the Board of Directors at CUTISS AG. CUTISS is a Swiss clinical-stage life sciences company focused [...]
Alejandro Ojeda
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:30:36+00:00I am a high tech hardware entrepreneur with +6 years as CEO and founder of a 15 FTE Swiss company and its Czech subsidiary +4 years as project leader in a FT500 company 21 career and invention awards 9 scientific articles in international [...]
Tim Pfister
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:31:06+00:00I am the CEO & Co-Founder at LiVET - bringing diagnostics to the stable. I'm also the CO-CEO & Co-Founder @ ender diagnostics - rapid [...]
Sandra Neumann
sophie_everett2021-09-06T19:31:23+00:00I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Founder of Peripal AG. Peripal AG is a privately funded ETH start-up developing and [...]